Traducción al inglés del poema "Dale al Like", de Apología de las sombras


After travelling through time
we end up as tourists in a place we never imagined
could ever be replicated beyond the realm of the mind.
Who was it, we wonder, that took notes, who went to the trouble
of going around noting down every trace of our lives?
Who took pains to record them on Facebook?
Who photographed us unawares,
only to carefully conceal the evidence of the crime
and exhibit the snapshots as a favour, at some future date,
to the highest bidder, that this film might be recreated?
My naïve voyeur, if you weren’t expecting it, then I’m sorry.
Seeing yourself through our eyes of other days.
Because we have already been posted in that imaginary museum
from where all our faces of the past envy us,
turned into fixed-eyed statues.
An unchanging row of models
that on cold reflection we realise
only are now what they once were because we see them.

Silvia Rins, "Click Like", Apología de las sombras. © Translation to English: Alexandra Paramour. 

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